When it comes to whole house fans, they have been helping houses stay cool for nearly a century. Such a time-tested cooling system is proven and dependable, making it a great option for cooling off your home. Before we get into figuring out the best small whole house fan for your home, let’s get a couple questions out of the way.
How do Whole House Fans Work?
When you think of a whole house fan, the design of it is actually pretty simple. The attic mounted fan pushes through the hot air through attic vents, while it brings in cooler, outside air through doors and windows that are open. Not only does this quick air exchange remove any built up heat in your house, but it also makes the house that much cooler with a nice breeze that will travel through your home.
Are Whole House Fans Better than Air Conditioning?
For the longest time fans have been replaced with air conditioning units but fans are now finally making a comeback. Why? Mostly because when it comes to energy efficiency and cost, they are much better than an air conditioning unit.
Also, the latest models of whole house fans have self-sealing insulated shutters that close when the fan isn’t on. This makes it harder for any heat to leave through the fan even when you are not using it. This key feature is what makes fans much more cost effective to use than air conditioning. Whole house fans are more efficient and cheaper than air conditioning in the long run.
Now, on to the fans!
Top 5 Small Whole House Fans Reviewed
When it comes to small whole house fans, there is quite the collection you can choose from for your house. As we said, fans are making a comeback and you are going to want to be on top of it before they all run out!
So let’s take a look at some of the smallest whole house fans that you will be able to find when you decide it is time for you to go shopping. Here is a detailed look at some of the whole house fans you will be able to find on Amazon.
1. Cool Attic CX24DDWT Direct Drive 2 Speed Whole House Attic Fan with Shutter (24 Inch)
This whole house fan is designed for houses that have 1,800 square feet attics. The fan offers a very efficient way to reduce cooling costs while making sure that you are able to live comfortably in your own home.
You will find that it features a powder cover coat so that the fan is more weather resistant than others. The rough opening of this fan is about 26×28 inches while the outside shutter dimensions are 27.75×29.75 inches.
This fan is made in Texas and has been made since 1948. This fan is made with a re-engineered bracing system that comes in and creates a much more stable motor mount. This means that it is stronger than tube-style bracing and pretty much all but gets rid of any vibrations. Now you no longer have to worry about hearing that fan turn when you are sitting in your house since this unit is as quiet as they come.
With this kind of fan, you will not have to worry about keeping your house cool since the motor on it is made so well.
2. QuietCool QC CL-1500 Classic Series Whole House Fan
This fan’s CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) is a solid 1,472. The great thing about this kind of fan is that it can vary in all different kinds of sizes. If you are going to use this fan for a smaller sized room or a larger sized room, you can order it regardless. You just have to make sure that when you go to purchase it, that you click on the right size you are going for.
The QuietCool Classic line of house fans features a self-contained duct system that hangs in the attic to help get rid of that annoying sound and vibrations that you can usually hear when you are home. The included damper system features barometric pressurized gravity dampers. This part can make sure that there is no heat or cool air lost between when the air travels from the attic into your house.
This specific kind of fan contains the standard efficiency permanent split capacitor motors, which means you are getting top of the line efficiency with great value.
3. QA Deluxe 3300 Energy Efficient Whole House Fan
This fan is very energy efficient. The Model QA Deluxe 3300 does not cost all that much to operate. It costs pennies an hour to run and even comes with a two speed wall switch and a timer.
This whole house fan is good for a two-story house up to 1500 square feet or one story houses up to 950 square feet. Usually, when you go to purchase this item, you will even get a nice lengthy warranty with it.
This whole house fan is made in the USA. The QA Deluxe whole house fan is made up of acoustical ducting, a precision spun aluminum fan housing, rigid support, and mounted rubber bushings to make the noise and vibrations a lot less noticeable. They are even made to make sure that any damper is kept off your home’s drywall.
Another positive about this kind of whole house fan is that it is very easy for you to install. The fan is made to fit between 16 and 24 inches on center joists with no framing required. This means it saves you a bit of money when it comes to installing it and will make sure your house is feeling a bit cooler when that summer heat comes around again.
4. AC Infinity CloudRay T10 Whole House Fan
When it comes to whole house fans this model is definitely more on the tech side than any of the others on this list! This whole house fan is made to cool down houses by exhausting hot air from indoor spaces.
When you purchase this whole house fan, you will also receive a smart digital controller with temperature and humidity trigger programming. That same controller always takes care of the fan speed, timers, and any alarms you may find yourself wanting to set.
This type of whole house fan utilizes a PWM-controlled EC motor that makes sure that your fan is quieter and much more energy efficient than a lot of the other whole house fans you may be considering.
This model also has a really cool feature that when the fan is not being used, there is a two door shutter that blocks any attic air from getting through to any of your living spaces. This will help keep your home the exact temperature you want it to be. You are looking at whole house fans and that is their main objective. This model really fulfills that purpose.
5. Tamarack Technologies HV1000 R38 Ductless Whole House Fan
This magnificent whole house fan is 40x12x20 inches. The Tamarack whole house fan circulates up to 1,000 cubic feet of air per minute. So while it is about medium in size, it works wonders when it comes to cooling your home and conserving as much energy as it possibly can. This whole house fan can save up to 80% energy cost on both cooling and heating.
The installation for this unit is as easy it can be! And with doors that seal themselves, this fan is more than perfect for anyone who is looking to be more energy efficient. This whole house fan comes with R38 insulated self sealing doors that automatically open when you turn the fan on and instantly seal shut when you decide you are comfortable enough to turn the fan off.
This means that this model stops cool air from leaving the room when the weather is warm, and it will keep the heat inside when the weather turns to cold.
Another positive about this whole house fan is that it is very user friendly and easy to install. It can be installed both vertically and horizontally, so you can use it whichever way you prefer (or whichever way best fits your house).
The fan operates at one speed to get rid of hot air, indoor air pollutants, allergens, moistures, and any odors that can come through vents. That means this whole house fan is much more than a fan—it is also an air purifier and dehumidifier!
The fan will also pull fresh cool air into your home through open windows, making your home have balanced air flow throughout the year. The positive to that is this model will end up saving you more money in the long run. That is something you are going to want to think about when it comes time to buy a whole house fan.
Factors You Should Consider When Buying a Whole House Fan
Do You Want Moderate Flow and Efficient Cooling?
Then choose 1.5 to 2.0 CFM of air flow per square feet of living space.
Cooling your home will take a lot longer using this option. The greatest benefit from an efficiency standpoint happens within the first few air exchanges in the living area of the room. After all that happens, the cooling effect is lowered. However, a constant flow of air is usually required to make sure that the heat radiating in your walls, rooms, ceilings, and attic is removed.
Or Do You Want the Breeze Effect?
You should choose 2.5 to 3.0 CFM of air flow per square feet of living space.
This is the most commonly used air flow rate. A lot of people like to feel the breeze effect that whole house fans can create. It is probably the biggest reason why people choose whole house fans. When the air moves across your body, it will have an evaporative effect on your sweat. This means your skin will feel a lot cooler than it actually is.
Sizing your whole house at this rate will allow you to feel the most cool and relaxed. It will also help make the temperature in your house go down the quickest.
Do You Have Cathedral Ceilings?
If you live in a space with high ceilings, all that does is increase the total cubic feet of air space. What that means is you have more air that you need to fill up when you turn on your whole house fan. You will definitely want to take that into consideration when you go out and start shopping for the right whole house fan for you.
If you have a large house with large ceilings, most experts believe it would be wise for you to size up. That way you can actually feel your fan working. You do not want to spend money on a whole house fan and not be able to reap the benefits.
Is Your Home Built Ranch Style or Oddly Shaped?
The type of home you are living in plays a major role in what kind of whole house fan you should target. If your home has a centrally located system, and you live in a ranch style home, you may not need a huge whole house fan. But if your house is unusually shaped or large, it would probably best for you to go out and get a decent sized unit.
Again, you want to make sure that your air is evenly dispersed. You do not want to walk in one room, feel a nice breeze and be comfortable, but then walk in another and feel the heat and start to sweat. You are just asking for trouble if that happens!
Do You Have Enough Existing Ventilation to Accommodate Air Flow off the Fan?
Before you buy your whole house fan, you want to make sure that you have enough roof venting to allow the air being pulled into your attic by the whole house fan to have the ability to escape out. In the end, it is all about balance when it comes to these things. What air comes in, must come out!